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Fractals gallery

Zoomed Mandelbrot Set Zoomed Mandelbrot Set Mandelbrot Set Zoomed Mandelbrot Set
Zoomed Mandelbrot Set Zoomed Julia Set Julia Set Julia Set
Julia Set Zoomed Julia Set Mandelbrot Set Zoomed Mandelbrot Set
Sierpinsky Square Levy Curve Some Zipper Another Zipper
Self-Affine Triangle Winter Tree Levy Tree Residue Appolony's Set

Sierpinsky pyramid
Page created by Aleksey. Fractal pictures are made with "Fractal Builder" program created by me and my friend Dmitriy. Recently we found a way to draw 3-dimensional fractals, (you can see one here). There is an archive with more old pictures.

Help! Displays the next 5 sites in the loop Goes to a random site in the loop Skips over next site in the loop.  Helpful if the next site is down for some reason. Goes to the Infinite Fractal Loop home page Goes to the previous site in the loop Goes to the next site in the loop